Summer Body. Not This Year.

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Every year at the end of March we get a small taste of summer and my mind goes to: BATHING SUIT SEASON. Then it’s all downhill from there. Anyone else going through this right now?

I am not allowing myself to go there this year. I am not going on a crash diet, I am not levelling up my workouts, I am not going to starve myself or make myself miserable to reach a certain weight or look a certain way in a bathing suit. I’m just not going to do it this year.

I am already living the life I want to live. I am happy. I am healthy, why am I going to disrupt that for “bathing suit season”? This year, I’m just going to keep on trekking. I’m going to continue on my journey of living a happy, healthy, active live. If I lose a few pounds before summer great! If I don’t, that’s also just fine.

Done are the days of: 89 days until summer. By the way I didn’t just make that up, as of today there are 89 days until the first day of summer. Side bar, why does that seem so far away???

So now that I have set the tone. I have had time to reflect on why we do this to ourselves, why as women we put this kind of pressure on ourselves and each other. Why we all feel we need to look a certain way in a bathing suit. Let’s be very clear, how many women do you see at the beach looking like the people on TV, the internet and magazine? I’m going to say 1 in 1000 (maybe). So why are all striving to look like them? It makes absolutely NO SENSE.

So this year, forget what society is telling you to look like. Focus on looking like YOU. Focus on health. Focus on confidence. Focus on happiness.

What are you going to do to feel confident by the pool this year?

Terri xo


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