Confidence is NOT easy


18 months, 55lbs and I am still working on finding my confidence. My dream has always been to have a flat belly with a 6 pack. Want to know why? Because …. in my mind that equals beauty. We all have our own definition of beauty, but can we just keep it real, it’s usually based on what we have seen in magazines, TV and social media. Am I right?

I try to follow and surround myself with positive women who come in all shapes and sizes, because in real life, that is actually what beauty is. Beauty and confidence is accepting yourself for who you are, exactly as you are today. Something amazing happens when you let go and just own every inch of your body, the confidence just radiates all the way through you. It actually becomes contagious and people can feel it.

I have moments of extreme confidence, usually after a great weigh-in, or a really kick ass workout, but for whatever reason these moments don’t last. Here is the good news, these moments are new for me. Confidence is not a feeling I know well, most of my life has been spent hiding. Hiding my stomach, hiding my arms, hiding my double chin, hiding from pictures, hiding from videos… has anyone else spent their life hiding?

As I go into the 19th month of this life transformation journey, one thing has become crystal clear. What started as a weight-loss journey has turned into a complete lifestyle overhaul journey. On this newly defined journey, one of my goals is to find my confidence FULL TIME. I want to walk into a room and not worry about what people might say, or worry what might show if a picture is taken from a “bad angle”. I want FULL TIME CONFIDENCE.

Terri xo


New Year Motivation


18 Days Later. Instagram Unlocks My Account.