I Can’t Believe It Has Been 1 Year!
My goal was to loose 50lbs in my first year. At my last weigh-in I was at 48lbs. Today I held my breath and I stepped on the scale. I did it!! I weighed in at 227lbs. I have lost a total of 51lbs in my first year on this journey. I still can’t believe it!
My entire life I have wanted this life. I have wanted to not be obsessed with food, I’ve wanted to be the person who "wanted” to exercise. I am that person. I can finally say I am that person.
It took me almost the entire year to realize in order to become the person you want to be, you need to start acting like it. You know the expression “fake it until you make it?” That is actually what you need to do. You eat all the good food, and you do all the exercise and at some point, it just becomes who you are.
I don’t know when that happened for me, but it to a LONG time. Just stick with it friends. 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, whatever it takes. I promise If I can do this. Anyone can do this!
Terri xo