Trick or Treat?


Halloween, the holiday that is 100% focused on candy and treats.

So why not talk about willpower.

On any normal Halloween, I would be sneaking candy weeks before Halloween, and the day of halloween it would be pizza, candy and probably some desert my mom made. Oh, and wait, it would be small chip bags and mini chocolate bars weeks after halloween. Anyone else know this reality?

So this year, it’s not going down like that. I am not buying candy until the day before. Yep, I’m going to be that mom. My kids WILL hide their candy from me. AND, the last kids that ring my doorbell, are getting the rest of my candy. That’s how it’s going down. Oh, and BTW, we get the big chocolate bars, so those last kids are going to be really happy LOL

We can’t all have willpower every day, so my strategy is, remove the temptation, out of site out of mind.

Happy Halloween!

Terri xo


Wins are Important


It’s Working!